Oncology Nurses Association of India
It was a long desired dream of the Oncology Nurses working in Tata memorial Hospital to form as association. The aim was to bring all oncology concerned nurses under one roof to update Oncology Nursing.
Ms. A.K.Bhargavi, the then nursing superintendent along with few nurses originated the association. 1st November 1994 during the UICC conference held at New Delhi, it was inaugurated. The first release of quarterly newsletter “Oncology Nursing News Letter” was done by the then Executive Secretary of Oncology Nursing society (ONS) Ms. Pearl Moore.
From then on many activities are undertaken by the association to update the standards of oncology nurses.
Some of the activities are:
Oncology related lectures by foreign nationals.
Early detection programmes for nurses from all over Maharashtra.
Essay Competitions.
"Oncology Tele-Quiz".
"Debate" and "on-the-spot “competition.
Yearly awards issued to oncology nursing students who stands first.
Yearly oncology nursing conferences.
Directors-in-office hold the post of Patron of ONAI.
Indian Journal of Oncology Nursing

Conferences & Workshops Conducted
Telequiz was conducted in 1997.
Debate on Nursing leaders – Tract or Detract was held in 2003.
Yearly or biannual National oncology nursing conferences held.
Hands-on workshop on Ventilator and CPCR was conducted in May 2007.
ONAI participated in 2009 Asia-pacific lung conference.
Chemotherapy administration certification program conducted every year.
Hands-on workshop on Ventilator and CPCR was conducted in May 2007.
Cancer introduction lectures conducted at JJ and KEM institutions.
Dec2009 Asia Pacific Lung conference – ONAI participated.
Dec 2010 – Spirituality and nursing was organized.
26th April 2011 – One day seminar on Pain management and care of patients in Radiation oncology was conducted.
13th National Oncology nursing conference on 2nd – 4th May 2012 along with Certification programme on Health Worker safety by Amricares India Limited was conducted.
Courses & Programmes
2006 – Preventive oncology screening program for female employees of TMH was organized and positive cases detected.
6th – 20th April 2011 – 3rd Chemotherapy administration course.
29th and 30th Sept.2011 – 4th Chemotherapy administration course.
Awards & Achievments
Peer group Review awards are given every year for nurses been selected by peers.
Bhargavi award is given for 1st ranker in Diploma in Oncology nursing.
Vimal Sanghvikar award for ‘Best clinical nurse’ in work place.
Vimal Sanghvikar award for II rank holder in Diploma in Oncology Nursing.
Tata Memorial Hospital was a host centre for IONF fellowship for UICC.
Chapters of Trivandrum, Kolkota and Delhi inaugurated.
SIG (Special interest group) started.
Gopi Bhambani Award for 2 best clinical nurses. In this one awardees selected by the executive committee and other by Nursing Superintendent.
Ms. Retnamony Award to the Best Sister-in-charge.
Carmo Menezes Award to 1st ranker in Msc. Nursingj.
Vimal Sanghvikar award to 1st ranker in 2nd Year MSc. Nursing Student.
Quarterly publication of Oncology Nursing Newsletter which is termed as Indian Journal of Oncology Nursing.
Trivandrum chapter of ONAI affiliated.
Kolkota chapter of ONAI affiliated.
Other Programmes
Singing, Rangoli, Painting, Hairstyle and fancy dress competition held – 2003.
Essay, Extempo, MIME, Fancy Dress competition in 2007.
PEER GROUP REVIEW (PGR): 2011–12 - selected Ms. Sunithi Jather from Tata Memorial Hospital, Ms. Sivakumari from Trivandrum and Ms.................... from Kolkota